Mid-Air Collision Avoidance

Mid-Air Collision Avoidance
The Mid-Air Collision Avoidance module was created to address the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Safety Alert 58 on Prevent Midair Collisions: Don't Depend on Vision Alone. It highlights the potential hazards of midair collisions outlined in FAA Advisory Circular 90-48D: Pilots Role in Collision Avoidance. A review of the conclusions of a research study on the limitations of the See and Avoid Concept and why you should use the technique Search and Detect instead is included. The training topics are applied to the unique nature of business aviation operations.


There is no specific requirement to train on Mid-Air Collision Avoidance under Part 135 unless you have added it to your training program requirements. After an increase in the number of mid-air collision accidents involving Part 135 operators, some Principle Operating Inspectors (POIs) are making this a point of emphasis.
The module is not required by the International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO) or Business Aviation Safety Consortium (BASC) standard.
  • Physiology of the Eye
  • Search and Detect Concept
  • Limitations and Solutions
  • Human Factors
