NBAA PDP Bundle - Safety Manager (OPS6)

NBAA PDP Bundle - Safety Manager (OPS6)

This curriculum meets the requirements for the NBAA PDP program for Operations objective OPS6: Develop and implement a Safety Management System (SMS).

The NBAA PDP review committee has approved this curriculum for the following points toward the Certified Aviation Manager (CAM) program:

  • CAM Application - 3 points
  • CAM Recertification - 2 points

The Safety Manager curriculum is a collection of eLearning modules designed specifically for business aviation. This training is appropriate for someone aspiring for a safety manager role or a seasoned safety manager looking to benchmark their current safety program. Topics include Internal Evaluation Programs (IEP); Safety Management System (SMS) Managers: safety policy, culture, risk management assurance, promotion, and documentation; and Emergency Response Plans (ERP). The curriculum includes approximately 4.5 hours of training.


  • Internal Evaluation Programs (IEP)
  • Safety Management System (SMS) components
