Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums

Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums
Operations in RVSM airspace have become a non event. We regularly climb through FL290 without a thought that we are entering RVSM airspace. Although it has become commonplace, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) still mandates training on the subject. The RVSM online module is designed for pilots flying aircraft that have either a Letter of Authorization (LOA), Ops Specs, or Part 91 Appendix G Section 9 authorization to operate in RVSM airspace. The module also includes a downloadable RVSM Reference card.


This module meets the FAA RVSM pilot training requirements published in Advisory Circular (AC) 91 85B, Authorization of Aircraft and Operators for Flight in Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum Airspace, Appendix 4B and mandated by Ops Spec B046 paragraph c. Appendix G to Part 91 also requires “initial and recurring pilot training” for Part 135 operators on RVSM. Your training program may also contain a specialty curriculum for RVSM. During our customization process, we ensure we meet any operator specific requirements that you have outlined in your training program.
This module meets the FAA RVSM pilot training requirements published in AC 91 85B, Authorization of Aircraft and Operators for Flight in Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum Airspace, Appendix 4B, and mandated by your Letter of Authorization to operate in RVSM airspace. This module complies with the International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO) training requirement for RVSM qualification defined in Chapter 13 of IS-BAO. The Business Aviation Safety Consortium (BASC) standard requires training when LOAs are issued for RVSM.
  • Authorizations
  • Altitudes / Locations
  • Flight Planning
  • Equipment Requirements
  • RVSM Numbers
  • Special Emphasis Items
  • Contingency Procedures
